Shabbat Services - בית כנסת
Imagine Shabbat Services in an atmosphere of total inclusion and acceptance, where you are welcome, in fact encouraged, to ask questions. Where you are implored to be as nonjudgmental of your neighbor as he or she is of you. Come join us.

Friday Evening Services - קבלת שבת
Prayer times vary

Shabbat Morning Services - שחרית
09:00 - Coffee and Chasidut Study
10:00 - Services
11:00 - Weekly Torah Portion
12:15 - Kiddush and light lunch

About our Services
Our Shabbat services are traditional. Services are conducted primarily in Hebrew, with some English passages sprinkled in for further understanding. The Rabbi's sermon highlights ideas in the weekly Parsha and the time of the year, and makes it relevant to day to day life. 


The Kiddush and lunch after the Services, aside from being delicious, is a time to celebrate Shabbat as a community. 
The Kiddush is sponsored occasionally by members of the community. To sponsor a Kiddush, please contact Rivky

Children are more than welcome! The Shul as the Play Room are open for you

The Chabad Centre is located at
Pilatusstrasse 20, 6003 Luzern