
Rabbi's Blog

A Moving Photo

A few days ago, on Yom ha’Shoa (Day of Rememberance), I got a phone call which caused me great sadness, more than any other Yom Ha’Shoa in the past years.

What happened?

On the phone I was told that Mrs. Eva Weber passed away. Mrs. Weber was a Holocaust survivor, who lived in Luzern, and whom I was privileged to get to know closely. She was about 93 years old when she passed away a few hours before Yom Ha’Shoa.

As I think about her and am saddened, I open the pictures application on my iphone and search for this picture, which I took about two years ago at Eva’s home.

Take a look at this picture. What do you see? A simple tray, an old Siddur (prayer book) and  a set of ancient candle holders. At first glance… Read More »

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