
The club celebrates a completion

Friday, 2 March, 2012 - 4:16 am

Dear Friends,

This Shabbat there is a special occasion which calls for an extra “Lechaim”, and I would therefore be happy to see you and celebrate with you. 

Since I became a Bar mitzvah, I am a member in a very unusual club, which you might have never heard of before. It is called: “The Daily Rambam Learners Club”. The Rambam, whose full name was Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon, known in English as Maimonides, wrote a book (among many others) called “Mishne Torah”, which is an amazing book with 14 volumes. This book includes all basic Jewish matters. It is a lengthy and remarkable discussion of halachic outlooks on any Jewish topic. 

30 years ago the Lubavitcher Rebbe instituted this Daily Rambam learners Club, where many Jews all around the world learn a designated part of this book each day, so that within a year it is completed. It is not always easy to manage the study every day, but nowadays there are no excuses. Even if I’m on the road, there are apps for the Iphone /Android, where with one click, you can open up the daily Rambam on your phone, and with another click you can even hear the audio version of the text of the Rambam.

Today, Friday, I have completed the Rambam’s book Mishne Torah together with the other members of the club worldwide.

I invite you to join me in saying a special Lechaim tomorrow at the Kiddush in honor of this occasion.

To read more about this “club” of the daily Rambam Learners and to join, click here. To read more about the life of the Rambam, click here.

Looking forward to seeing you.

Shabbat Shalom, 

Rabbi Chaim 


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