
Thank you!

Friday, 9 March, 2012 - 2:38 am

What an amazing Purim Party we had, thank G-d! There was a very big crowd of over 100 (!) people who came to take part in the Purim celebration.

Since I received many compliments  and thank you's from many people for my part in the event, I must tell you who was really responsible for the success and who really deserves the thank you:

First of all, thank you to all of you dear friends, for coming out and celebrating with us in Purim joy.

And now to those who gave of their time and help for the success of the event:

Thank you
 to Rivky, who was already busy planning and organizing the details and logistics of the party for weeks.The tasty food, which we all enjoyed came straight out of our home/community kitchen.

Thank you to Valerie Gitter and Tamara Kuepfer, who stood in the kitchen for many hours preparing the Russian dishes. The food was delicious!

Thank you to Mr. Rony Siani and Siani Food for supplying us with many products.

Thank you to Mr. Avraham Afik and his daughter Osnat for donating the hamantashen and other baked goods, which came together with them, directly from Jerusalem.

Thank you Mrs. Goldberg for the delicious Purim cakes.

Thank you to Anna Pfleiderer for lending us all the beautiful Russian decoration. It added so much to the atmosphere.

Thank you to Shuli Simkin and Valerie Gitter for coming early to help setting up the hall.

Thank you to Yulia Popovic for the Russian Foods cards for the Buffet, as well as the background music.

Thank you to Avi and Yochi for sponsoring the gigantic vodka bottle! (There is not much left of it :-) 

Last but not least, thank you to all the supporters for financially supporting our community events throughout the year. This would not have been possible without you.

Finally, I would like to share with you a small experience which touched me very much. Towards the end of the event last night, one of the participants came over to me and whispered in my ear:" Thank you, Rabbi! It is already more than 50 ! years that I did not celebrate Purim. This year, I decided to come... it was great!"

Shabbat Shalom and hope to see you always in happy occasions,

Rabbi Chaim

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