This week Tuesday I had a very surprising spiritual experience.
On Tuesday was the 3rd of Tammuz, the Yahrtzeit of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. In middle of the day I felt myself longing for the Rebbe, so I called a friend who was in middle of his workday at his office, and asked if he would be interested in watching a video together with me of one of the Rebbe’s speeches, which in the Chassidic dictionary is called a ‘farbrengen’.
He was also eager to and right away invited me to join him at his office after 4pm.
From the many DVDs which I have in my archives, in which there are hundreds of hours of speeches and lectures of Torah knowledge, Life lessons, Belief and what not… I chose one from the winter of 1983. From what I read on the DVD cover, it looked like it would be a deep thought, but fascinating and very interesting. And it was indeed. We sat together, said some Lechaim, and dove into the amazing Torah world of the Rebbe. He was speaking about the idea of seeing G-dliness in everything in life. The Rebbe expanded on the idea and explained in a very clear manner, how every person, Jew or non Jew has to remember that there is a reason for which he was created, and he should be happy about the fact that he received a mission from G-d to fulfill in this world.
Then the surprise came from a totally different angle.
As we were in middle of watching, my friend’s mother, who works together with him, walked into the office. When she realized that we were busy doing something spiritual, she was about to leave the room… when suddenly she says: “Hey, look that’s him!”
I look at the screen and think to myself, who’s him? She comes closer and we stopped the picture in the screen, and she says, “look, this is my husband”.
I couldn’t believe this unbelievable ‘Divine Providence’. When filming this video during the Rebbe’s Talk, the camera turned around and focused on some of the participants of this great event, and among them, out of the thousands of people, none less than her late husband, who was of course, the father of my friend whom I was watching the video with.
It was a very spiritual and heavenly feeling. From all the hundreds of hours of recordings of the Rebbe, I chose just the this DVD, and just thhat moment when she walked into the room, the person who was on the screen, was her husband. Living in Switzerland, he obviously did not visit New York that often.
There was a great excitement in the room. Since I was very inspired by this, I decided to share it with you.
Shabbat Shalom my friends,
Rabbi Chaim