Place: The ancient Synagogue in Tzfat. Date: Yesterday. I found myself dancing horah together with a graduate of our Hebrew School, to the sounds of the Klezmer musicians.
How did I get there?
The story starts a couple of years ago, when a nice new family came to live in our small community. Two children, Dean and Alec registered in our Hebrew School. For about 5/6 years they were both diligent and very successful students.
And then, as it happens here quite often, the dear Manko family moved back to their original place of residence in the United States.
A short while later, Dean turned twelve and it was time to get ready for his Bar Mitzvah.
Dean, who had fond memories of our small community, turned to me, and asked me if I would please prepare him for his Bar Mitzvah, and if I could do the ceremony in Israel.
However, between Luzern and Philadelphia there are a couple of hours travel time…
We found the solution in form of SKYPE. For a about year, on Tuesdays at 22:30 I had virtual Bar Mitzvah prep lessons with Dean.
It was an amazing experience. The physical distance did not take away from the excitement of the class.
So yesterday the big day finally arrived. A beautiful Bar Mitzva in an amazing place, in middle of the old city of Tzfat, with an atmosphere of years ago at the ancient Abuhav Synague from the 16th century. Just a couple of footsteps away from the place where the well known songs, which we sing on Friday night, such as Lecha Dodi and Shalom Alechem, were written, my dear student Dean was called up to the Torah for the first time in his life and read the weekly Torah portion loud and clear.
I felt proud and excited and was so happy to share and join in this beautiful Simcha with him and the whole family.
Mazal Tov to the Manko family on the Bar Mitzvah of Dean!
Wishing you Shabbat Shalom from the holy land,
Rabbi Chaim
The ancient Abuhav Synagogue from the 16th century
David wrote...
Valerie wrote...
Simha Schneidinger wrote...
We want to wish you and your Mum and Dad together with Alec a big big Mazal Tov for your Bar Mitzwa. We miss you all a lot! enjoy Israel and we wish you a wonderful Shabatexperience Together with your famiy and relatives in Jerusalem.
Shabat Shalom,
Your friends,
Claude, Simha & Keren